pondělí 9. března 2009

Looking for HResult

In one of the last Hey, Scripting Guy! article is described how to install updates and check it's result codes. I was really surprised when Scripting guys told me: "We can use calc.exe" - OMG why not use converting directly in PowerShell?

PS C:\> "0x{0:x}" -f [int] -2145124318

When I tried this I start thinking about the function which will do the conversion and shows also description of the result code.

  1. # Name : Get-HResult.ps1
  2. # Author: David "Makovec" Moravec
  3. # Web : http://www.powershell.cz
  4. # Email : powershell.cz@googlemail.com
  5. #
  6. # Description: Finds meaning of HResult
  7. #
  8. # Version: 0.1
  9. # History:
  10. # v0.1 - (add) basic functionality
  11. #
  12. # Usage: Get-HResult -2145124318
  13. #
  14. #################################################################
  15. function Get-HResult {
  16. param (
  17. $HResult,
  18. $url = 'http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc720442.aspx'
  19. )
  20. $calc = "0x{0:x}" -f [int]$HResult
  21. $lookFor = $calc+'.*?tr'
  22. $wc = New-Object system.net.webclient
  23. $wc.DownloadString($url) -match $lookFor | Out-Null
  24. $tmp = $matches[0]
  25. $searchString = '(?<ResCode>'+$calc+').*\<p\>(?<ResStr>.+?)\<.*\<p\>(?<Description>.+?)\</p.+'
  26. $tmp -match $searchString | Out-Null
  27. Write-Host "HResult: " $HResult
  28. Write-Host "Result Code: " $matches.ResCode
  29. Write-Host "Result String: " $matches.ResStr
  30. Write-Host "Description: " $matches.Description
  31. } #function

By default script return results for Windows Update Agent and has no checking for errors. It has parameter for providing different URL but I didn't try any. Usage is following:

PS C:\> Get-HResult -2145124351
Result Code: 0x80240001
Result String: WU_E_NO_SERVICE
Description: Windows Update Agent was unable to provide the service.

Source code will be available at PoSh Code when I'll be able to open it, now have troubles with connectivity.

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